British Mathematical Colloquium

This was held at Nottingham: 11-13 September 1957.

The enrolment was 173.

Organisers were D Northcott

Minutes of meetings, etc. are available at the links below

The plenary speakers were:

Erdos, P Problems and results on interpolation and polynomial approximation
Higman, G Cohomology, invariant matrices and p-groups
Jessen, B The distribution of values of the Riemann zeta function

The morning speakers were:

Atiyah, M F A survey of complex manifolds
Cohn, P M Lie algebras
du Val, P Quaternions and polytopes in four dimensions
Farahat, H K Representation theory
Flett, T M Some inequalities of Zygmund, Littlewood and Paley
Gravett, K A H Valuations and embeddings
James, I M Mappings of spheres into spheres
Kuttner, B Differences of fractional order
Roth, K F