British Mathematical Colloquium

This was held at Cardiff: 28-31 March 1994.

The enrolment was 180.

Organisers were C Hooley

The plenary speakers were:

Askey, R The q-series of L J Rogers as seen in 1894 and 1994
Montgomery, H L Speculations concerning the zeros of the Riemann zeta function
Valiant, L Some fundamental definitions from Computer Science

The morning speakers were:

Carter, S Turning manifolds inside out
Deshouillers, J-M Some aspects of the structure theory of set addition
Dunwoody, M J Folding sequences for inaccessible groups
Edmunds, D E Limiting embeddings
Evans, D E Amenable operator algebras
Falconer, K J Probabilistic methods in fractal geometry
Gruenberg, K W Local Galois structure via group extensions
Hodges, W A Recovering a structure from its automorphism group
Holt, D F Computation in finitely presented groups
Jordan, D Skew polynomial rings from Hilbert to quantum groups
Lance, E C Compact quantum groups
Lloyd, N G Hilbert's 16th problem: limit cycles and centres
Piper, F C Some cryptographic applications of mathematics
Rees, E G Morse theory, applications and generalisations
Scholl, A J Elliptic curves, modular forms and Diophantine problems
Series, C M Circles in limit sets of Kleinian groups
Smithies, F Cauchy's early work on complex function theory
Twomey, J B Tangential limits for analytic and univalent functions
Williams, D Random walks on random sets

Special session: Number theory, Organiser: M N Huxley

Deshouillers, J M Some aspects of the structure theory of set addition
Hall, R R Mean values of complex multiplicative functions
Harman, G The difference between consecutive primes
Odoni, R W K Asymptotic expansions of sums involving Grössencharactere

Special session: Group theory, Organiser: J Wiegold

Dunwoody, M J Folding sequences for inaccessible groups
Gruenberg, K W Local Galois structures via group extensions
Holt, D F Computation in finitely presented groups