General Meeting Minutes for 1996

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the 48th BMC held at UMIST on Wednesday 10th April 1996.
  1. The minutes of the AGM of the 47th BMC, held at Heriot-Watt, were accepted.
  2. Matters arising
    The success of the previous two colloquia in improving the number of participants appeared to have continued for the present meeting with numbers similar to those at Heriot-Watt. As at last years AGM this was thought to be due, in part, to the Special Sessions and a generous grant from the London Mathematical Society for the support of postgraduate students of which there were over 100.

    The dates for the 50th BMC at Manchester University 1998 were 6th - 9th April 1998.
  3. Accounts of the 47th BMC at Heriot-Watt
    These were accepted (proposed by R. Sharp and seconded by C. Rowley).
  4. Invitations to future Colloquia
    Passed over because two offers had been accepted at the previous AGM.
  5. Election of Honorary Auditors
    The treasurers of the Edinburgh and London Mathematical Societies were re-elected (proposed by H. G. Dales and seconded by C. T. C. Wall).
  6. Election of additional member of the Scientific Committee
    Professor G. D. James was elected (proposed by C. J. Brookes and seconded by P. Vamos).
  7. Any other business
    Professor H. G. Dales asked if the subject areas of the Special Sessions for the BMC at Royal Holloway College or the subsequent BMCs had been decided.

    Dr G. de Barra replied that provisional suggestions had been made by the Scientific Committee at the previous BMC and these would be discussed at the meeting of the same committee this year. Professor Dales asked that if people had any suggestions for subject areas that they be given to members of the committee.
The meeting closed at 18.25.
M. D. Coleman (Secretary, 48th BMC)