General Meeting Minutes for 2011

12.30pm, Tuesday 19th April 2011, Rattray Lecture Theatre, University of Leicester


In the chair: Professor John Hunton, Chairman of the BMC. Members present: 26.
  1. Apologies.
    There were none.
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting and any matters arising.
    Minutes were circulated and some typos noted. There were no matters arising.
  3. Report on the 2010 BMC in Edinburgh, held jointly with the BAMC.
    This was circulated and approved.
  4. BMC 2014.
    Professor Peter Cameron invited the BMC to Queen Mary University of London. The invitation was accepted by acclamation.
  5. Election of Chair of the BMC Scientific Committee.
    The Chairman declared that, there being no other nominations, Professor Charles Goldie (Sussex) was elected from 1st June 2011, to serve for three years.
  6. Election of one member of the BMC Scientific Committee for the coming year. Dr Mark Haskins (Imperial) being thought willing to serve, though not present, was elected subject to his agreement (later obtained).
  7. Report on preparations for BMC 2012 to be held at the University of Kent at Canterbury. Professor Peter Fleischmann reported briefly and gave the dates (16-19 April 2012).
  8. Any other business.
    Professor John Greenlees announced the dates for BMC 2013 at the University of Sheffield as 2528 March 2013.
    One member opined that effort needed to be made to involve colleagues of Russian and Chinese origin in the BMC, as they rarely attended.
    One member expressed reservations about ease of navigation through the Leicester BMC Programme booklet.
The meeting closed after 21 minutes.
Minuted by Charles Goldie.