BMC General Meeting Minutes for 2017

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Calman Learning Centre 013, University of Durham 11:30am, 4 April 2017

In the chair: David Jordan (Chair of BMC Scientific Committee).
  1. Apologies for absence had been received from Elizabeth Fisher, Jan Grabowski, Sophie Huczynska, John Hunton, Tony Nixon, Sarah Rees, Phil Rippon, Colva Roney-Dougal, Mike Todd and Michael Wemyss.

  2. Minutes of the AGM of BMC 2016, held at University of Bristol, were approved with no matters arising.

  3. BMC 2018. This is to be held at the University of St Andrews, with the non-standard timing of 11-14 June 2018. It was announced that plenary lectures will be given by Laura De Marco (Northwestern), Irit Dinur (Weizmann), Martin Hairer (Warwick), Nalini Joshi (Sydney), Paul Seymour (Princeton) and Marcelo Viana (IMPA) and that a public lecture will be given by Julia Wolf (Bristol). Morning speakers confirmed so far are Holly Krieger (Cambridge), Jonathan Bennett (Birmingham), Mike Fellows (Bergen), Victoria Gould (York), Mark McCartney (Ulster), Ian Morris (Surrey), Meinolf Geck (Stuttgart), Dan Kr ?al (Warwick) and David Conlon (Oxford).
    The areas for workshops are to be Algebra, Analysis, Dynamics, Combinatorics, and History of Mathematics.

  4. BMC 2019. This is to be held at the University of Lancaster from 8-11 April 2019. It was announced that plenary speakers confirmed so far are Michel Broué (Universit Paris Diderot, France; Representation theory), Nicolas Monod (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland; Ergodic theory and geometric group theory) and Yuval Peres (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA; Probability) and that there will be Workshops on Algebra, Geometry, Analysis, Probability, Combinatorics and Mathematics Education.

  5. Future BMCs. It was reported that, following discussions with the British Applied Mathematical Colloquium, a potential host for a joint meeting of BMC and BAMC in 2020 had been approached.

  6. Election of a representative of the 2017 BMC to serve on the BMC Scientific Committee for the coming year. Post meeting, Oscar Randal-Williams (Cambridge) was nominated and agreed to serve.

  7. Next Chair of BMC Scientific Committee. The meeting approved the nomination of Professor Phil Rippon (Open University) as the next Chair of the Scientific Committee. His term of office is for three years beginning on 1 June 2017.

  8. YRM. It was announced that the Young Researchers in Mathematics meeting for 2016 would be held at the University of Kent from 1-4 August 2017 and that postgraduate students attending the BMC would have their YRM registration fee waived if they registered for YRM.

  9. Any other business. The meeting thanked Andrew Lobb and Alexander Stasinski, and their Durham colleagues, for their work in organising the BMC. The meeting congratulated Hugh Porteous on attending his 50th consecutive BMC.
Members present: c. 100. The meeting closed after 9 minutes.