Mischa Cotlar's publications

We list below all the publications that we can find for Mischa Cotlar. We list them in chronological order. We would be pleased to learn of any further publications which we would add to the list.
  1. Mischa Cotlar, Aritmética abstracta, Boletín de la Facultad de Ingeniería (Montevideo, Uruguay, 1937).

  2. Mischa Cotlar and Juan Carlos Vignaux, Sobre las derivadas areolares simétricas de funciones de una variable compleja dual, An. Soc. Ci. Argentina 121 (1936), 128-133.

  3. Mischa Cotlar, Teoría de anágenos, An. Soc. Ci. Argentina 127 (1939).

  4. Mischa Cotlar, Familias normales de funciones no analíticas, An. Soc. Ci. Argentina 129 (1940), 3-25.

  5. Mischa Cotlar, Sobre conjuntos no medibles y una generalización de la integral de Lebesgue, Publ. Inst. Mat. Univ. Nac. Litoral 2 (1940), 149-176.

  6. Mischa Cotlar, Funciones univalentes sobre un conjunto de puntos del contorno de un dominio de holomorfismo, Publ. Inst. Mat. Univ. Nac. Litoral 4 (1942), 47-96

  7. Beppo Levi, Pedro F Capelli and Mischa Cotlar, Los orígenes de la teoría del algoritmo wronskiano dentro de la doctrina pitagórica, Math. Notae 3 (1943), 74-100.

  8. Mischa Cotlar and Beppo Levi, Consideraciones acerca de una proposición de W H Young, Math. Notae 4 (1944), 145-155.

  9. Pedro F Capelli and Mischa Cotlar, Alguna preguntas vinculadas a una posible extensión del principio de conservación de dominios, Publ. Inst. Mat. Univ. Nac. Litoral 6 (1944), 63-96.

  10. Mischa Cotlar and Juan Carlos Vignaux, Las familias totalmente normales de funciones holomorfas, Publ. Inst. Mat. Univ. Nac. Litoral 7 (1944), 1-151.

  11. Mischa Cotlar and Juan Carlos Vignaux, Integrales asimptóticas de Laplace-Stieltjes, Univ. Nac. La Plata, Publ. Fac. Ci. Fisicomat. (2) 3(14) 180(4) (1944), 345-400.

  12. Mischa Cotlar, Un método de construcción de estructuras y sus aplicaciones a espacios topológicos y aritmética abstracta, Univ. Nac. Tucumán. Revista A 4 (1944), 105-157.

  13. Mischa Cotlar, Una generalización de los factoriales, Math. Notae 5 (1945), 89-107.

  14. Mischa Cotlar and Beppo Levi, Ejercicios sobre la función coseno, Math. Notae 5 (1945), 193-214

  15. Mischa Cotlar and Yanny Frenkel, Sobre funciones de conjunto no-aditivas y una generalización de ka descomposición de Vallée-Poussin, Univ. Nac. Tucumán. Revista A 5 (1946), 227-253.

  16. Mischa Cotlar, Estudio de una clase de polinomios de Bernoulli, Math. Notae 6 (1946), 69-95.

  17. Mischa Cotlar, Un método para obtener congruencias de números de Bernoulli, Math. Notae 7 (1947), 1-29.

  18. Mischa Cotlar and Yanny Frenkel, Una teoría general de la integral basada en una extensión del concepto de límite, Univ. Nac. Tucumán. Revista A 6 (1947), 113-159.

  19. Mischa Cotlar, Una extensión del teorema de Rolle para transformaciones continuas del plano, Math. Notae 8 (1948), 79-84.

  20. Mischa Cotlar and Eduardo Zarantonello, Grupos semiordenados y l-ideales de Riesz-Birkhoff, Publ. Inst. Mat. Univ. Nac. Litoral 8 (1948), 79-84.

  21. Mischa Cotlar and Emilio O Roxin, Sobre la variación de funciones discontinuas y multivaluadas de variable real, Revistas Unión Mat. Argentina 14 (1949), 38-46.

  22. Mischa Cotlar and Rodolfo A Ricabarra, Medidas invariantes en espacios topológicos compactos, Math. Notae 9 (1949), 52-77.

  23. Mischa Cotlar and Rodolfo A Ricabarra, Sobre un teorema de E Hopf, Revista Unión Mat. Argentina 14 (1949), 49-63.

  24. Yanny Frenkel and Mischa Cotlar, Mayorantes y minorantes no-aditivas en la teoría de la integral de Perron-Denjoy, Revista Acad. Ci. Madrid 44 (1950), 411- 426.

  25. Mischa Cotlar and Yanny Frenkel, Sobre la integral de Kolmogoroff, Univ. Buenos Aires Contrib. Ci. Ser. A 1 (1950), 46-63.

  26. Mischa Cotlar and Rodolfo A Ricabarra, La integral de Caratheodory, Memorias Real Acad. Ci. Exact. Fis. Nat. Madrid 4 (1950), 1-47.

  27. Mischa Cotlar and Rodolfo A Ricabarra, Sobre transformaciones de conjuntos y operadores de Koopman, Revista Unión Mat. Argentina 14 (1950), 232-254.

  28. Mischa Cotlar, Sobre los fundamentos de la teoría ergódica, Symposium sobre algunos problemas matemáticos que se están estudiando en Latino América, Diciembre, 1951 (Centro de Cooperación Científica de la Unesco para América Latina, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1952), 71-84.

  29. Mischa Cotlar, On the theory of Hilbert transforms (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1953).

  30. Mischa Cotlar and Rodolfo A Ricabarra, On the Existence of Characters in Topological Groups, Amer. J. Math. 76 (1954), 375-388.

  31. Mischa Cotlar, El problema de los momentos y la teoría de operadores hermitianos, Segundo symposium sobre algunos problemas matemáticos que se están estudiando en Latino América, Villavicencio, Argentina, Julio 1954 (Centro de Cooperación Científica de la UNESCO para América Latina, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1954), 71-85.

  32. Mischa Cotlar, On a theorem of Beurling and Kaplansky, Pacific J. Math. 4 (1954), 459-465.

  33. Mischa Cotlar, Sobre los teoremas ergódicos, Math. Notae 14 (1955), 85-119.

  34. Mischa Cotlar, Teoría algebraica de la media y teorema de Hahn-Banach, Revista Unión Mat. Argentina 17 (1955), 9-24.

  35. Mischa Cotlar, A Combinatorial Inequality and its Applications to L2L^{2}-spaces, Rev. Mat. Cuyana 1 (1955), 41-55.

  36. Mischa Cotlar, A General Interpolation Theorem for Linear Operations, Rev. Mat. Cuyana 1 (1955), 57-84.

  37. Mischa Cotlar, Some Generalizations of the Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Theorem, Rev. Mat. Cuyana 1 (1955), 85-104.

  38. Mischa Cotlar, A Unified Theory of Hilbert Transforms and Ergodic Theorems, Rev. Mat. Cuyana 1 (1955), 105-167.

  39. Mischa Cotlar and Rodolfo A Ricabarra, On the Integral of Caratheodory, Univ. Nac. La Plata, Publ. Fac. Ci. Fisicomat. Serie Segunda, Rev. 5 (1956), 133-161.

  40. Mischa Cotlar and María Luisa Bruschi, On the Convexity Theorem of Riesz-Thorin and Marcinkiewicz, Univ. Nac. La Plata, Publ. Fac. Ci. Fisicomat. Serie Segunda, Rev. 5 (1956), 162-172.

  41. Mischa Cotlar and Rafael Panzone, On Almost Orthogonal Operators in LpL^{p}-Spaces, Acta Sci. Math. Szeged 19 (1958), 165-171.

  42. Mischa Cotlar, Condiciones de continuidad de operadores potenciales y de Hilbert. Cursos y Seminarios de Matem., Fasc. 2 (Departamento de Matematica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Univ. de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1959).

  43. Mischa Cotlar and Rafael Panzone, Generalized Potential Operators, Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina 19 (1960), 3-41.

  44. Mischa Cotlar, Operadores potenciales generalizados y sumas ortogonales, Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina 19 (1960), 112-134.

  45. Mischa Cotlar and Eduardo Ortiz, On some Inequalities of Potential Operators, Univ. Nac. La Plata, Publ. Fac. Ci. Fisicomat. Serie Segunda, Rev. 8 (1) (1962), 16-34.

  46. Mischa Cotlar, Semigrupos arquimedianos y álgebras de operadores, Proc. Third Brazilian Math. Colloq. 1961, Summa Brasil. Math. 5 (1962), 5-46.

  47. Mischa Cotlar, Introducción a la Teoría de la Representación de Grupos, Cursos y Seminarios de Matem., Fasc. 11 (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Univ. de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1963).

  48. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Ratto de Sadosky, Introducción al Algebra. Nociones de Algebra Lineal (4th edition) (Ed. Univ. de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1966).

  49. C A Berenstein, Mischa Cotlar, N Kerzman and P Krée, Some Remarks on the Marcinkiewicz Convexity Theorem in the upper triangle, Studia Math. 29 (1967), 79-95.

  50. Mischa Cotlar and Roberto Cignoli, Nociones de Espacios Normados (Ed. Univ. de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1967).

  51. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, On Quasi-Homogeneous Bessel Potential Operators, Singular Integrals, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. Chicago Ill. 1966 (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1967), 275-287.

  52. Mischa Cotlar, Equipación con espacios de Hilbert, Cursos y Seminarios de Matem., Fasc. 15 (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Univ. de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1968).

  53. Mischa Cotlar, Convolution Operators and Factorization (McGill Analysis Seminar, McGill University, Montreal, 1972).

  54. Mischa Cotlar and Roberto Cignoli, An Introduction to Functional Analysis, Translated from the Spanish by A Torchinsky and A González Villalobos (North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam-London, 1974).

  55. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, A Moment Theory Approach to the Riezs Theorem on the Conjugate Function with General measures, Studia Math. 53 (1) (1975), 75-101.

  56. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Transformée de Hilbert, Théorème de Bochner et le Plroblème des Moments, I, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A-B 285 (6) (1977), A433-A436.

  57. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Transformée de Hilbert, Théorème de Bochner et le Plroblème des Moments, II, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A-B 285 (10) (1977), A661-A664.

  58. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, On the Helson-Szegö Theorem and a Related Class of Modified Toeplitz Kernels, Harmonic Analysis in Euclidean Spaces, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Williams Coll., Williamstown, Mass., 1978, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 35 (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1979), 383-407.

  59. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Characterization of Two Measures Satisfying Riesz Inequality for the Hilbert Transform in L2L^{2}, Acta Cient. Venezolana 30 (4) (1980), 346-348.

  60. Rodrigo Arocena and Mischa Cotlar, Continuous Generalized Toeplitz Kernels in R\mathbb{R}, Special issue in honor of Antonio Monteiro, Portugal. Math. 39 (1-4) (1980), 419-439.

  61. Rodrigo Arocena, Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Weighted Inequalities in L2L^{2} and Lifting Properties, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Adv. Math. Suppl. Stud. 7A (Academic Press, New York-London, 1981), 95-128.

  62. Rodrigo Arocena and Mischa Cotlar, A Generalized Herglotz-Bochner Theorem and L2L^{2}-Weighted Inequalities with Finite Measures, Harmonic Analysis Conf. in honour of A Zygmund (Wadsworth Intl. Math. Series, Belmont, CA, 1982), 258-269.

  63. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, On some LpL^{p} Versions of the Helson-Szegö Theorem, Harmonic Analysis Conf. in honour of A Zygmund, Chicago, Ill. 1981 (Wadsworth Intl. Math. Series, Belmont, CA, 1982), 306-317.

  64. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Majorized Toeplitz Forms and Weighted Inequalities with General Norms, Harmonic Analysis, Minneapolis 1981, Lecture Notes in Math. 908 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York-London, 1982), 139-168.

  65. Mischa Cotlar and Rodrigo Arocena, Dilation of Generalized Toeplitz Forms and Weighted Inequalities with General Norms, Harmonic Analysis, Minneapolis, Minn., 1981, Lecture Notes in Math. 908 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York-London, 1982), 169-188.

  66. Rodrigo Arocena and Mischa Cotlar, Generalized Toeplitz Kernels and Adamjan-Arov-Kreïn Moment Problems, Topeplitz Centennial, Tel Aviv, 1981, Operator Theory: Adv. Appl. 4 (Birkhäuser, Basel-Boston, Mass., 1982), 37-55.

  67. Rodrigo Arocena and Mischa Cotlar, On a Lifting Theorem and its Relation to some Approximation Problems, Functional Analysis, Holomorphy and Approximation Theory, Rio de Janeiro, 1980, North-Holland Math. Stud., 71, Notas Math. 88 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982), 1-25.

  68. Rodrigo Arocena and Mischa Cotlar, Generalized Topeplitz Kernels, Hankel Forms and Sarason's Commutation Theorem, Acta Cient. Venezolana 33 (2) (1982), 89-98.

  69. Mischa Cotlar, Moment Theory and Continuity of the Hilbert and Poisson Transform in L2L^{2} Spaces, Functional Analysis, Holomorphy and Approximation Theory, Rio de Janeiro, 1979, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 83 (M Dekker, New York, 1983), 33-57.

  70. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Vector valued Inequalities of Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund and Grothendieck type for Generalized Toeplitz Kernels, Harmonic Analysis, Cortona 1982. Lecture Notes in Math. 992 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983), 278- 308.

  71. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Inegalités á Pois pour les Coefficients Lacunaires de Certaines Fonctions Analytiques, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 299 (13) (1984), 591-594.

  72. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Generalized Toeplitz Kernels, Stationarity and Harmonizability, J. Analyse Math. 44 (1984/85), 117-133.

  73. Mischa Cotlar and Lázaro Recht, Rodolfo A Ricabarra (August 1925-November 1984) (Spanish), Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina 32 (2) (1985) 159-161.

  74. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, A Lifting Theorem for Subordinated Invariant Kernels, J. Functional Anal. 67 (3) (1986), 345-359.

  75. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Lifting Properties, Nehari Theorem and Paley Lacunary Inequality, Rev. Matem. Iberoamericana 2 (1-2) (1986), 55-71.

  76. Mischa Cotlar, R Arocena and José R León, Toeplitz Kernels, Scattering Structures and Covariant Systems, Aspects of Mathematics and Its Applications, North-Holland Math. Library 34 (1986), 77-95.

  77. Mischa Cotlar, Some Aspects of the Trigonometric Moment Problem, Primeras Jornadas de Análisis, Mérida, 1986 (Univ. de Los Andes, Mérida, 1986), 65-82.

  78. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Prologements des Formes de Hankel Generalisées en Formes de Toeplitz, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 305 (5) (1987), 167-170.

  79. Mischa Cotlar, José R León and Cristina Pereyra, Eigenfunction Expansions of Covariance Kernels, Acta Cientif. Venezolana 38 (5-6) (1987), 563-569.

  80. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Toeplitz Liftings of Hankel Generalized Forms, Function Spaces an Applications, Lund 1986, Lecture Notes in Math. 1302 (Springer-Verlag , Berlin, 1988), 22-43.

  81. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Integral Representations of Bounded Hankel Forms Defined in Scattering Systems with a Multiparamietric Evolution Group, Contributions to operator theory and its applications, Mesa, AZ, 1987, Operator Theory Adv. & Appl. 35 (1988), 357-375.

  82. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, The Generalized Bochner Theorem in Algebraic Scattering Systems, Analysis at Urbana II, Proc. of Special Year at the University of Illinois, 1987, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Ser. 138 (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1989), 144-169.

  83. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Two-parameter Lifting Theorems and Double Hilbert Transforms in Commutative and Non-Commutative Settings, J. Math.. Anal. Appl. 150 (2) (1990), 439-480.

  84. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Nonlinear Lifting Theorems, Integral Representations and Stationary Processes in Algebraic Scattering Systems, Proc. International Conference on Operator Theory in honor of Israel Gohberg, Operator Theory Adv & Appl. 41 (Birkhäuser, Basel, 1989), 97-123.

  85. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, The Helson-Szegö Theorem in Lp of the bidimensional Torus, Proc. Conference on PDE & Harmonic Analysis at Florida Atlantic University, 1988, Contemporary Math. 107 (1990), 19-37.

  86. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Non-Unitary Versions of the Nehari and the Nagy-Foias Theorems, Proc. of Workshop on Matrix and Operator Theory, Rotterdam, 1989, Operator Theory: Adv. & Appl. (1990), 1-25.

  87. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Toeplitz liftings of Hankel forms bounded by non-Toeplitz norms, Integral Equations Operator Theory 14 (4) (1991), 501-532.

  88. Mischa Cotlar, Quadratic inequalities for Hilbert transforms and Hankel forms in the spaces L2(F)L^{2}(F) and L2(B)L^{2}(B), Geometry and complex variables, Bologna, 1988/1990, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 132 (Dekker, New York, 1991), 147-153.

  89. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Weakly positive matrix measures, generalized Toeplitz forms, and their applications to Hankel and Hilbert transform operators, Continuous and discrete Fourier transforms, extension problems and Wiener-Hopf equations, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 58 (Birkhäuser, Basel, 1992), 93-120.

  90. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Transference of metrics induced by unitary couplings, a Sarason theorem for the bidimensional torus, and a Sz.-Nagy-Foias theorem for two pairs of dilations, J. Funct. Anal. 111 (2) (1993), 473-488.

  91. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Abstract, weighted, and multidimensional Adamjan-Arov-Kreïn theorems, and the singular numbers of Sarason commutants, Integral Equations Operator Theory 17 (2) (1993), 169-201.

  92. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Nehari and Nevanlinna-Pick problems and holomorphic extensions in the polydisk in terms of restricted BMO, J. Funct. Anal. 124 (1) (1994), 205-210.

  93. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, The Adamjan-Arov-Kreïn theorem in general and regular representations of R2\mathbb{R}^{2} and the symplectic plane, Toeplitz operators and related topics, Santa Cruz, CA, 1992, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 71 (Birkhäuser, Basel, 1994), 54-78.

  94. Mischa Cotlar and Lázaro Recht, Rodolfo A Ricabarra (August 1925-November 1984) (Spanish), Volume in homage to Dr Rodolfo A. Ricabarra (Spanish) Vol. Homenaje, 1 (Univ. Nac. del Sur, Bahía Blanca, 1995), i-v.

  95. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Two distinguished subspaces of product BMO and Nehari-AAK theory for Hankel operators on the torus, Integral Equations Operator Theory 26 (3) (1996), 273-304.

  96. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, A polydisk version of Beurling's characterization for invariant subspaces of finite multi-codimension, Operator theory for complex and hypercomplex analysis, Mexico City, 1994, Contemp. Math. 212 (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1998), 51-56.

  97. Pedro Alegría and Mischa Cotlar, Generalized Toeplitz forms and interpolation colligations, Math. Nachr. 190 (1998), 5-29.

  98. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Hankel forms and operators in Hardy spaces with two Szegö weights, Operator theory and interpolation, Bloomington, IN, 1996, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 115 (Birkhäuser, Basel, 2000), 145-162.

  99. Gladys Cedeño and Mischa Cotlar, Uniqueness condition for the Pick problem (Spanish), Divulg. Mat. 8 (2) (2000),99-112.

  100. Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky, Revisiting almost orthogonality and eigenexpansions, Function spaces, interpolation theory and related topics, Lund, 2000 (de Gruyter, Berlin, 2002), 249-271.

Last Updated May 2018