Mary Watson Whitney's papers

We list below papers by Mary Watson Whitney. Some are single author papers, others are joint publications with one of Whitney's colleagues. The papers are in chronological order by year but there is no attempt at the correct chronological order of papers published in the same year. Where there are two dates, the one in square brackets refers to the year the observations were made, the date in round brackets refers to the year of publication.

  1. Mary Watson Whitney, Double star S 503 (1891).

  2. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Comet a 1890, made at the Vassar College Observatory with the 12-inch equatorial [1890] (1891).

  3. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Nova Aurigae at Vassar College Observatory (1892).

  4. Mary Watson Whitney, Filar-micrometer observations of Comet a 1892 (Swift), made with the 12-inch equatorial of Vassar College Observatory [1892] (1893).

  5. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Comet f 1892, made at Vassar College Observatory [1892] (1893).

  6. Mary Watson Whitney, Filar-micrometer observations of Comet g 1892, made at Vassar College Observatory (1893).

  7. Mary Watson Whitney, Some recent markings on Jupiter (1893).

  8. Mary Emma Byrd and Mary Watson Whitney, Longitude of Smith College Observatory (1893).

  9. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Comet 1892 III (Holmes), made at the Vassar College Observatory (1894).

  10. Mary Watson Whitney and Mary Swain Wagner, Observations of Comet g 1892 (Brooks), made at the Vassar College Observatory [1893] (1894).

  11. Mary Watson Whitney, Lunar eclipse of 1895 March 10 (1895).

  12. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planet (372), made at the Vassar College Observatory (1895).

  13. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Comet c 1895 (Perrine), made at the Vassar College Observatory (1896).

  14. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets, made at the Vassar College Observatory (I) (1896).

  15. Mary Watson Whitney, Total lunar eclipse of September 3, 1895 observed at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (1896).

  16. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of Comet a 1896, made at the Vassar College Observatory with the 12-inch equatorial (1896).

  17. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of Comets a and b 1896, made at the Vassar College Observatory (1896).

  18. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of Comet b 1896 (Swift), made at the Vassar College Observatory (I) (1896).

  19. Mary Watson Whitney, Determination of the positions of comets [1896] (1897).

  20. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Comet g 1896 (Perrine), made at the Vassar College Observatory [1896-97] (1897).

  21. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets, made at the Vassar College Observatory (II) (1897).

  22. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets, made at the Vassar College Observatory (III) (1897).

  23. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets, made at the Vassar College Observatory (IV) (1897).

  24. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of Comet b 1896 (Swift), made at the Vassar College Observatory (II) (1897).

  25. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets and comets, made at the Vassar College Observatory [1896] (1897).

  26. Mary Watson Whitney, Problem of solar motion [1897] (1898).

  27. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets, made at the Vassar College Observatory (V) (1898).

  28. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets, made at the Vassar College Observatory (VI) (1898).

  29. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of Comet b 1897, made at the Vassar College Observatory [1897] (1898).

  30. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Comet b 1898 (Perrine) at Vassar College Observatory (1899).

  31. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets and Comet i 1898, made at the Observatory of Vassar College with the 12-inch refractor (1899).

  32. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Leonids (1900).

  33. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planers, made at Vassar College Observatory with the 12-inch refractor [1899] (1900).

  34. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of the total solar eclipse by the Vassar College party (1900).

  35. Mary Watson Whitney, Occultations observed during the lunar eclipse of December 16, 1899 (1900).

  36. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of comets and minor planets, made at the Vassar College Observatory (1900).

  37. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planet 1899 EY made at the Vassar College Observatory (1900).

  38. Mary Watson Whitney, The eclipse of May 28th (1900).

  39. Mary Watson Whitney and Alice Everett, Observations of minor planets, made at the observatory of Vassar College with the 12-inch refractor [1899] (1900).

  40. Mary Watson Whitney and Alice Everett, Observations of minor planers and Comet a 1899, made at the observatory of Vassar College with the 12-inch refractor [1899] (1900).

  41. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planers made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Vassar College Observatory (1901).

  42. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Minor Planet 1901 GV (1901).

  43. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets made at the Vassar Observatory (1902).

  44. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Nova Persei (Ch. 1226) (1902).

  45. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of Minor Planets (1902).

  46. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of comet 1902b (1902).

  47. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of Minor Planets (1903).

  48. Mary Watson Whitney, Comparison Stars for the Algol Variable 4 (1903).

  49. Mary Watson Whitney, The Determination of Solar Motion (I) (1904).

  50. Mary Watson Whitney, The Determination of Solar Motion (II) (1904).

  51. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of minor planets and comets (1905).

  52. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of new variables (1905).

  53. Mary Watson Whitney, Maxima of long-period variables (1906).

  54. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of comets and minor planets (1906).

  55. Mary Watson Whitney, Review: Introduction to Astronomy, by Forest R Moulton (1907).

  56. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of comets and minor planets (1907).

  57. Mary Watson Whitney, Observations of variables (1907).

  58. Mary Watson Whitney, Maxima and minima of long-period variables during 1906-7 (1908).

  59. Mary Watson Whitney, Maxima and Minima of long period variables (1908).

  60. Mary Watson Whitney, SS Cygni (1909).

  61. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of long-period variables (1909).

  62. Mary Watson Whitney, New variable 43.1909 Draconis (1909).

  63. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of long-period variables (1909).

  64. Mary Watson Whitney, Variable star 43.1909 Draconis (1910).

  65. Mary Watson Whitney, New variable in Aquila (1910).

  66. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of long-period variables (1910).

  67. Mary Watson Whitney, Occultations of stars by the moon (1910).

  68. Mary Watson Whitney, Tail of Halley's comet (1910).

  69. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of variable stars made during the years 1901-12 (I) (1913).

  70. Mary Watson Whitney and Caroline Ellen Furness, Observations of variable stars made during the years 1901-12 (II) (1913).