The International Society for Mathematical Sciences

Founded in 2005

The International Society for Mathematical Sciences is simply a renamed Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences. For details of the Society prior to 2005, see our article on the Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences.

In February 2005, the following motion was put to the members of the Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences in a referendum:-
The name of the organization shall be changed from 'Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences' (JAMS) to 'International Society for Mathematical Sciences' (ISMS) or to 'Society for Mathematical Sciences' (SfMS). The reasons for this change are:
(1) Our organization was established originally aiming at being an international one;

(2) A quarter of the membership is the members in foreign countries. Many internationally eminent mathematical scientists have joined the Editorial Board and give their generous help and support.
A two-thirds majority was required for this change which was achieved and the members voted to change the name to 'International Society for Mathematical Sciences'. The Byelaws of the Society, amended in 2005, state that [1]:-
There shall be a president, a president elect, an immediate past president, three secretaries and a treasurer. There shall be a Board of Trustees consisting of the treasurer, the auditor, the associate treasurer, the immediate past associate treasurer. The function of the Board of Trustees shall be to administer the funds of the Society, to make a budget for the fiscal year, and to produce the statement of account. The Council shall consist of eighteen members: six officers, eight foreign members and four domestic members. The function of the Council shall be to discuss the financial budget, the statement of account and the activities of the Society. The members of the Council shall be nominated by the Board of Officers with a confidence vote by the membership. The term of office shall be one and a half year in the case of the president elect and the immediate past president; three years in the case of the president, the secretaries, the treasurer. The president elect, the secretaries, and the treasurer shall be elected by ballot of the members.
The International Society for Mathematical Sciences holds an annual meeting and publishes a newsletter, Notices from the International Society for Mathematical Sciences.

Visit the society website.

References (show)

  1. International Society for Mathematical Sciences website.

Last Updated February 2018