Committee Meeting Minutes for 1958

A meeting of the Committee of the British Mathematical Colloquium was held in St Patrick's Hall, Reading, at 9.30 p.m. on Thursday, March 27th , 1958.
  1. Professor J L B Cooper was appointed Chairman.
  2. Dr N J S Hughes was elected Secretary and Treasurer and was co-opted onto the Committee.
  3. The Minutes of the Committee meeting held at Nottingham in 1957 were read and approved. The Secretary reported that in accordance with the decision made by the Committee in Nottingham a further donation of £50 had been sent to the Edinburgh International Congress.

    The question of increasing the Colloquium Membership Fees was discussed and it was again decided that no immediate increase should be made.
  4. The attention of the Committee was drawn to Minute 4(c) of the Committee meeting in 1949. (*).
    (*) This minute concerns accommodation charges and states that, "There should be a single inclusive fee covering all charges which should not exceed £1 a day."

    The Committee approved of the action of the retiring Chairman and Secretary in allowing the average daily charge for accommodation at Reading to slightly exceed £1 a day and moved that the Minute in question be amended to read as follows;
    "There shall be a single inclusive fee covering all charges."
  5. The programme for the 1959 Colloquium was discussed and it was decided
    (a) That the British Council should again be approached with the view to obtaining help to meet the expenses of inviting two foreign guest speakers;
    (b) That two foreign guest speakers be invited only if such aid was forthcoming;
    (c) That one day should be devoted to each of
       (i) Algebra and Number Theory,
       (ii) Analysis, and
       (iii) Geometry and Topology;
    (d) That speakers be allowed to include, at their own discretion, time for discussion after their lectures;
    (e) That the Colloquium should meet if possible some time during the second and third weeks of September, 1959;
    (f) That the Chairman should have discretionary powers to rearrange the programme as may be necessary.
  6. It was decided to follow up a tentative invitation from Professor G C Steward to hold the 1960 Colloquium in Hull. The possibility of holding a Colloquium in Belfast was also discussed.
  7. The Committee decided it did not wish to introduce a closing date for applications for membership of future Colloquia.

    The Committee resolved that an account be opened in the name of the British Mathematical Colloquium at the Queen Street Branch of Lloyds Bank Ltd. in Cardiff.

    The Committee expressed their warmest thanks to the retiring Chairman and Secretary.
Minutes signed by W H McCrea 1959 Sept. 17.