Committee Meeting Minutes for 1974

Minutes of the meeting of the Committee of the British Mathematical Colloquium, held in the Refectory of the University of Sussex at 8.30 pm on Wednesday 3rd April 1974.

Professor Adams, Professor Allan, Dr Bacsich, Dr Bingham, Dr Brown, Dr Coghlan, Dr Davie, Dr Dunwoody, Professor Goldie, Professor Halberstam, Professor Johnson, Professor Ledermann, Professor Morris, Professor Rankin, Dr Walton, Mr White, and Dr Wilson.
  1. Professor B E Johnson was elected Chairman.
  2. Mr R M White was nominated as secretary, and co-opted. The Chairman reported that it was proposed to share the duties during the year between Mr White (as non - Academic Secretary) and Dr J S Rod (as Academic Secretary). This arrangement was approved.
  3. The minutes of the previous committee meeting, held at Manchester on 28th March 1973, were read and approved.
  4. Matters arising.
    The Chairman drew attention to the fact that the Colloquium's accumulated funds had been reduced by a total of about £700 as a result of the 1973 meeting, and that provisional figures showed that there would be a further deficit of some £400 on the 1974 colloquium.
  5. 1975 meeting in Newcastle.
    (a) In view of the financial position, the following measures were agreed:
    (i) The conference fee should be doubled to £2 (late fee, £4).
    (ii) Residential members should also be required to pay a non-returnable deposit of £3.
    (iii) There should be no refunds for cancelled or curtailed residence, unless the hall of residence agreed not to press a cancellation charge.
    (iv) The Committee should avoid inviting speakers from too far afield (e.g. the United States) unless it was certain that the Colloquium would not have to defray their fares.

    (b) The Chairman read a letter which had been received from Mr Baker (Bangor) in which he asked the Committee to try to see that the morning lectures were so co-ordinated that there was time to get from either of the first pair to either of the second. The point was accepted, and it was agreed to increase the break between the two sets of lectures from five to ten minutes.

    (c) The Committee then proceeded to discuss the choice of speakers to be invited to give talks in 1975. In the course of the discussion, the following general decisions were made:
    (i) The convention was confirmed under which members of the committee should be invited to give talks only as an emergency measure.
    (ii) Lectures on Mathematical Education should continue, but not necessarily at yearly intervals (once in three years was suggested). One forty-minute session each year should however be reserved if possible for a mathematical subject other than Pure Mathematics in the strict sense.

    (d) It was agreed to ask speakers to provide a short résumé of the contents of their talk, and to display these on a notice-board at the beginning of the Colloquium.
  6. Arrangements for future meetings
    It was reported that invitations from Aberystwyth for 1976 and Edinburgh for 1977 had been accepted. It was possible that Lancaster would offer hospitality in 1978.
  7. Any other business,
    Professor Johnson thanked Professor Ledermann and Dr Newton for the work which they had done in connection with the 1974 Colloquium.
The meeting closed at 10.20 pm.

Minutes signed by Alun O Morris (undated).