Committee Meeting Minutes for 1989

Minutes of a Special Committee Meeting held in Hugh Stewart Hall Library, University of Nottingham, on 4 April 1989.

R B T J Allenby, D A Burgess, A R Camina, C M Campbell, G R Everest, D L Johnson, E C Lance, R R Laxton, A McBride, J D P Meldrum, R W K Odoni, D K Oates, A R Pears, R J Steiner, D R Woodall, F J Yeadon.
  1. The meeting opened at 8.35 pm, when Prof Burgess took the chair.
  2. The Committee discussed Dr Woodall's document concerning the future organisation of BMCs, and was also informed of advice received by the LMS from its accountants.

    The Committee recommends that, to overcome the problems raised, the BMC reserve fund be given to the EMS and LMS to hold in trust for the support of future BMCs. Then each individual BMC could be considered to be a conference organised solely by the host university, but of course having received advice on the choice of speakers from the BMC Committee at the previous meeting. The EMS and LMS would, in some appropriate manner, use the reserve fund to guarantee each conference on condition that any small profit would be returned to the reserve fund.

    The Committee proposes, that this BMC Annual General Meeting give approval to the introduction of such arrangements subject to the agreement between the BMC and the EMS and LMS being modified in the spirit of the above recommendation.
  3. Some support was expressed for minimising 'local' membership of the BMC Committee, say two members from the next year's venue and one from the following year's. The remaining places could then be filled in such a way as to maximise the coverage of different subject areas.
The meeting dissolved at 9.20 pm.

Minutes signed by D L Johnson (undated).