Isaac Newton

Blake's representation of Newton

Blake's representation of Newton

Trinity College, Cambridge chapel, stained glass window

Trinity College, Cambridge chapel, stained glass window

A medallion issued by the Royal Mint in 1727 the year of Newton's death

A medallion issued by the Royal Mint in 1727 the year of Newton's death

Newton's death mask

Newton's death mask

Picture of Isaac Newton

A bust in Trinity College

Picture of Isaac Newton

A statue in Trinity College

Drawings by Iutta Waloschek

Drawings by Iutta Waloschek

Picture of Isaac Newton
Newton's tomb

Newton's tomb in Westminster Abbey

Drawings by Quentin Blake

Drawings by Quentin Blake

Picture of Isaac Newton
From an English pound note

From an English pound note
Note the mistake: The sun is placed at the centre of the elliptic orbit instead of at a focus.