Meeting of 10 April 1884

Location: Edinburgh, the Mathematical Class Room, Edinburgh University

Chair: Muir, Thomas

Macfarlane, Alexander, "On voting"
Barclay, Andrew Jeffrey Gunion: "On the teaching of Elementary Geometry", [Abstract]

Adam, Peter
Dickson, James Douglas Hamilton
Carmichael, Peter
Kerr, John G
Macpherson, J Gordon
McLellan, Basil S
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Thomas Hugh
Pinkerton, Robert H
Scott, Robert Forsyth
Scrimgeour, Daniel
Smith, E J

After Andrew Jeffrey Gunion Barclay had read his paper, the subsequent discussion was carried on by Thomas Muir, John Sturgeon Mackay, Alexander Macfarlane and Alexander Yule Fraser.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1883-84