Meeting of 10 April 1885

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Barclay, Andrew Jeffrey Gunion

Sprague, Thomas Bond: "Note on the evaluation of functions of the form 00 "
Alison, John: "The so-called Simson-line"

Anglin, A H
Buchanan, James
Chree, Charles
Crawford, Lawrence
Dallas, Robert John
Don, Alexander B
Dougall, John
Govan, John
Hamilton, James
Fraser, Norman
Macmillan, James
Martin, Artemas
Murray, David
Nicholson, Robert A
Little, Charles
Thomson, John
Williams, A M

Rev. William L. Low was proposed for election at the next meeting.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1884-85