Meeting of 12 December 1884

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Barclay, Andrew Jeffrey Gunion

Alexander, Peter: "Failing cases of Fourier's double-integral theorem"
Muir, Thomas: "Note on a function of two integral arguments"
Fraser, Alexander Yule: "On the number of conditions determining geometrical figures"

Alexander, Peter
Alison, John
Brown, William
Buist, R C
Cameron, John
Dickson, Walter Seton
Fraser, John S
Frazer, Alexander
Mack, John
Mackay, William
Macnicol, A J
Mitchell, William T
Rainy, Harry
Rennet, David
Spittal, James
Sprague, Thomas Bond
Thompson, James
Weir, John

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1884-85