Meeting of 13 February 1885

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Barclay, Andrew Jeffrey Gunion

Tait, Peter Guthrie: "Note on a plane strain"
Alexander, Peter: "Boole's and other proofs of Fourier's double-integral theorem"
Muir, Thomas: "Theorems connected with three mutually tangent circles", [Title] {This paper is given later in the Proceedings, Vol. III pg 119-122}
Peddie, W: "Reflected rainbows", [Title]
Allardice, Robert Edgar: "Radical axes in spherical geometry"
Fraser, Alexander Yule: "A problem in plane geometry", {Not mentioned in proceedings}

Clark, John
Colquhoun, Walter
Couper, John
Dickie, Hugh
McCowan, John
Philip, Robert
Strachan, James
Wilson, John

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1884-85