Meeting of 10 July 1885

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Barclay, Andrew Jeffrey Gunion

Chree, Charles, "On the form in polar co-ordinates of certain expressions occurring in elastic solids and in hydrodynamics"
Dallas, Robert John, "Notes on the method of orthogonal projection"
Allardice, Robert Edgar, "On a number of concurrent spheres", {"Proposition suggested by and a generalisation of the Simson Line"}

Scott, William

The suggested changes of the rules from meeting 12 June were agreed to.
Dr David Rennet and Mr Alexander Yule Fraser were appointed to represent, if necessary, the society at the Aberdeen meeting of the British Association.
A hearty vote of thanks to Dr Robert McNair Ferguson for the use of rooms in the Edinburgh Institution was moved by the president and heartily accorded.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1884-85