Meeting of 13 November 1886

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Ferguson, Robert McNair

Ferguson, Robert McNair: "Address as retiring President", [Title]
Mackay, John Sturgeon: "Solutions of Euclid's Problems, with a rule and one fixed aperture of the compasses, by the Italian geometers of the sixteenth century"
Tucker, Robert: "On the sine-triple-angle circle", {Not mentioned in the Proceedings}
Renton, William: "On the equivocal sign", {Not mentioned in the Proceedings"}

Taylor, James

President: Thom, George
Vice-President: Macdonald, William James
Secretary: Fraser, Alexander Yule
Treasurer: Alison, John
Allardice, Robert Edgar
Ferguson, Robert McNair
Gibson, George Alexander
Harvey, Wiliam
Mackay, John Sturgeon
Muir, Thomas

The financial statement showed that on the third session, there had been a deficit of £14/12/72 and on the fourth a deficit of £10/13/-, making a total of £25/6/4 ?. There were unpaid subscriptions to the amount of £10/7/6. It was discussed and agreed that the committee should consider this statement and report back to the society.

Dr Robert MacNair Ferguson was, on the motion of William James Macdonald, accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his address and for his kindness in granting the society free accommodation in the institution.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1886-87