Meeting of 10 February 1888

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Macdonald, William James

Chrystal, George: "On the inequality mxm-1(x - 1) >< xm- 1 >< m(x - 1) and its consequences"
Peddie, William: "A model of the thermodynamic surface which represents the state of watersubstance in terms of pressure, volume, and temperature", [Title]

William Peddie exhibited and explained a plaster cast of the form of the surface in his paper.
Andrew Jeffrey Gunion Barclay was added to the committee.
Alexander Yule Fraser gave a report of the Committee on the Teaching of Arithmetic. "He intimidated that the committee had met and drawn up a series of questions which it was proposed to submit for the opinion of members before a definite report should be drawn up. It was agreed to issue a circular with these questions."

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1887-88