Meeting of 11 November 1887

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Macdonald, William James; Mackay, John Sturgeon

Thom, George: "Mathematics in Secondary Schools and Universities", [Title] {Address as Retiring President}
Mackay, John Sturgeon: "Properties of the figure consisting of a triangle and the squares described on its sides"
Elliott, Archibald C: "The potential of a spherical magnetic shell deduced from the potential of a coincident layer of attracting matter", {"Proof of a theorem regarding the potential of a magnetic shell"}

Macdonald, Hector M
Morgan, Alexander

William James Macdonald was in the chair during public business and John Sturgeon Mackay was in the chair during the private business.
President: Macdonald, William James
Vice-President: Gibson, George Alexander
Secretary: Fraser, Alexander Yule
Treasurer: Alison, John
Allardice, Robert Edgar
Elliott, Archibald C
Ogilvie, F Grant
Peddie, William
Thom, George
Wilson, John
Editors of Proceedings:
Allardice, Robert Edgar
Peddie, William

John Sturgeon Mackay intimated that the Mathematical Society of France was engaged in the preparation of a classified bibliography of periodicial mathematical literature and invited the cooperation of members of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1887-88