Meeting of 14 November 1890

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Allardice, Robert Edgar

Mackay, John Sturgeon: "Some new properties of the triangle", [Title]
Peddie, William: "Proofs of some optical theorems", [Title]

Mackay, Alexander Campbell

The chairman referred to the great loss the Society had sustained in the death of its President, Alexander Yule Fraser, and the secretary was instructed to convey to Mrs Fraser the deep sympathy of the members of the society.

President: Allardice, Robert Edgar
Vice-president: Sprague, Thomas Bond
Secretary: Alison, John
Treasurer: Wilson, John
Steggall, John Edward Aloysius
Butters, John Watt
Clark, John B
Morgan, Alexander
Morrison, John Tod
Wallace, William

Editor of Proceedings: Allardice, Robert Edgar

The financial statement showed a balance in favour of the society of £17/15/8.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1890-91