Meeting of 8 January 1897

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Clark, John Brown

Anglin, A H: "Theorems on normals of an ellipse"
Anglin, A H: "On the geometrical investigation of the circular functions of 3theta and 5theta", {This paper is not mentioned in the Proceedings}
Aiyar, Ramaswami V: "A general theorem on the nine-points circle"
Morgan, Alexander: "On the geometrical representation of elliptic integrals of the first kind", {Part 1 of 2 (Part 2: February 1897)}

Brand, A
Davis, G A
Dougall, Charles Shirra
Carslaw, Horatio Scott
Lindsay, William Anderson
Pringle, A S
Storrey, J B Simpson
Third, John Alexander
Thomson, William L
Tweedie, D J

The chairman referred to the great loss the society had sustained in the death of its president, the Rev. John Wilson. Thomas Bond Sprague was elected president for the remainder of the session.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1896-97