Meeting of 20 November 1896

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Peddie, William

Peddie, William: "On the foundations of Dynamics", [Title]
Tweedie, Charles: "Note on a theorem in connection with the Hessian of a binary quantic", [Title]
Anderson, Robert Edward: "Extension of the 'medial section' problem, and derivation of a hyperbolic graph"

Mackay, William

President: Wilson, John (replaced by Thomas Bond Sprague at the January meeting)
Vice-President: Clark, John Brown
Honorary Secretary: Butters, John Watt
Honorary Treasurer: Tweedie, David
Editors of Proceedings:
Macdonald, William James
Knott, Cargill Gilston
Tweedie, Charles
Duthie, George
Morgan, Alexander
Wallace, Alexander Gordon

The financial statement showed a deficit of £5/17/1.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1896-97