Meeting of 12 November 1897

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Clark, John Brown

Gibson, George Alexander: "The treatment of arithmetic progressions by Archimedes"
Lémeray, Maurice Ernest: "Le quatrième algorithme naturel"

President: Clark, John Brown
Vice-President: Morgan, Alexander
Honorary Secretary: Butters, John Watt
Honorary Treasurer: Tweedie, David
Editors of Proceedings:
Macdonald, William James
Knott, Cargill Gilston
Tweedie, Charles
Duthie, George
Muirhead, Robert Franklin
Dickson, James Douglas Hamilton

The financial statement showed a balance in favour of the society of £9/11/5 (1/2).

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1897-98