Meeting of 11 November 1898

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Clark, John Brown

Third, John Alexander: "Systems of circles analogous to Tucker circles", {Part 1of 3 (Part 2: Dec. 1898, Part 3: June 1899)}
Thomson, William L: "Geometrical theory of the hyperbolic functions"

President: Morgan, Alexander
Vice-President: Muirhead, Robert Franklin
Honorary Secretary: Butters, John Watt
Honorary Treasurer: Spence, Frank
Editors of Proceedings:
Dougall, John (convener, replaced by William Anderson Lindsay at the December meeting)
Tweedie, Charles
Knott, Cargill Gilston
Dickson, James Douglas Hamilton
Duthie, George
Lindsay, William Anderson

The financial statement showed a balance in favour of the society of £8/7/0 (1/2).

A committee was appointed "to consider question of the treatment of proportion in elementary mathematics". This committee consisted of
Alison, John
Clark, John Brown
Duthie, George
Gibson, George Alexander (convener)
Macdonald, William James
Mackay, John Sturgeon
Morgan, Alexander
Muirhead, Robert Franklin
Philip (it is not specified whether it is Robert Philip or William Edward Philip)
Steggall, John Edward Aloysius
Tweedie, Charles

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1898-99