Meeting of 10 November 1899

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Mackay, John Sturgeon

Crawford, George Eustace: "Elementary proof that the arithmetic mean of any number of positive quantities is greater than the geometric mean"
Muirhead, Robert Franklin: "The dissection of any two triangles into mutually similar pairs of triangles"
Third, John Alexander: "Two geometrical transformations"

President: Muirhead, Robert Franklin
Vice-President: Butters, John Watt
Honorary Secretary: McIntosh, Donald Cameron
Honorary Treasurer: Archibald, James
Editors of Proceedings:
Lindsay, William Anderson (convener)
Knott, Cargill Gilston
Tweedie, Charles
Duthie, George
Mitchell, James
Third, John Alexander

The financial statement showed a balance in favour of the society of £11/18/11.

John Alexander Third and Thomas Bond Sprague was thanked for their donations to the society's funds.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1899-00