Meeting of 9 November 1900

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Muirhead, Robert Franklin

Davis, Robert Frederick: "Euclidean proof of Pascal's theorem", [Title] [Printed in Educational Times Reprint, Vol LXXIV, p. 112 (1901)]
Tweedie, Charles: "Note on the expression for the area of a triangle in Cartesian co-ordinates, and a general proof of the addition theorem in Trigonometry connected therewith"
Jack, John: "Alternative proof of a theorem in change of axes", {An abstract is included in the title in the minutes}

President: Butters, John Watt
Vice-President: Duthie, George
Honorary Secretary: McIntosh, Donald Cameron
Honorary Treasurer: Archibald, James
Editors of Proceedings:
Lindsay, William Anderson (convener)
Tweedie, Charles
Muirhead, Robert Franklin
Third, John Alexander
Goodwillie, James
Thomson, William L

The financial statement showed a balance in favour of the society of £9/16/2.

After some talk of the Printer's account (£52), and as to the advisability of forming a separate fund for the Life-Membership subscriptions, the accounts were adopted.

George Duthie gave a donation of £1/5/0 to the funds of the society.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1900-01