Meeting of 14 March 1902

Location: Free Church Training College, Glasgow

Chair: Third, John Alexander

Jack, William (honorary member)
Gerrans, Henry Tresawna

The committee appointed at last meeting presented the resolutions they had drawn up, and these were adopted after many amendments and much discussion.

Resolutions on proposed improvements in the teaching of elementary mathematics.
1. "That the primary object in teaching elementary mathematics is to afford mental training to the pupil. The commercial, technical or professional applications of the subject are of secondary importance in the general education.
2. "That there should be no undue haste to begin the study of the Calculus with a view to its practical application."
3. "That pupils should not be encouraged in the unscientific practice of placing dependence on rules or formulae which they do not understand."
4. "That, in teaching any branch of mathematics, concrete illustrations and verifications, including experimental, graphical and other methods, should, wherever practicable, accompany theory."
5. "That, in examination, particular methods of solution or demonstration should not as a rule be demanded, e.g., the use of algebra should not be prohibited in answering questions in arithmetic or geometry."
6. "That there should not be imposed upon schools in any branch of mathematics a syllabus which does more than indicate the order in which the main divisions of a subject are to be taught."

It was left to the special committee to "consider as to how these resolutoons might be best given effect to".

33 members were present.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1901-02