Meeting of 8 November 1901

Location: Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh

Chair: Butters, John Watt

Gibson, George Alexander: "The second integral theorem of mean value: a geometrical proof"
Burgess, Alexander Gordon: "Theorems in connection with lines drawn through a pair of points parallel and antiparallel to the sides of a triangle"
Miller, James N: "On an instrument for trisecting any angle", [Title] [An account of this instrument will be found in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. XXIV. 7-8(1901)]

McAlpine, John H

President: Duthie, George
Vice-President: Third, John Alexander
Honorary Secretary: McIntosh, Donald Cameron
Honorary Treasurer: Archibald, James
Editors of Proceedings:
Lindsay, William Anderson (convener)
Tweedie, Charles
Butters, John Watt
Carslaw, Horatio Scott
Goodwillie, James
Thomson, William L

The treasurer's report showed that one Life-membership subscription had been received to the recently established "Capital Account" and that after withdrawing from this the annual subscription of 7/6 and adding it to the Cash account, there was a balance in favour of the society's Capital account of £4/18/6. This was partly owing to a donation of £1/5/0 from George Duthie.
166 annual subscriptions had been received and £6/11/8 had been received from the sale of the Proceedings. There was a balance on the Cash account in favour of the society of £32/14/0 (1/2), and this added to the Capital account, left the society with a total balance of £37/12/6 (1/2).

Robert Franklin Muirhead suggested that it should be possible to pay triannual subscriptions of a guinea, payable in advance, in place of the annual subscription of 7/6.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1901-02