Meeting of 12 December 1902

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Tweedie, Charles

Peddie, William: "On the uniqueness of solution of the linear differential equation of the second order"
Davis, Robert Frederick: "Note on two intrinsically related plane curves"
Mackay, John Sturgeon: "Mathematical correspondence: Robert Simson, Matthew Stewart, James Stirling", {This paper was not read, but distributed as printed copies amongst the members present.}

Bromwich, Thomas John l'Anson
Laurie, W S
Wedderburn, Joseph Henry Maclagen

"Mathematical correspondence: Robert Simson, Matthew Stewart, James Stirling" was now published for the first time. The correspondence had been bought by Dr Mackay at the sale of the Gibson-Craig collection of Scottish MSS in 1884.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1902-03