Meeting of 14 November 1902

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Third, John Alexander

Carslaw, Horatio Scott: "The use of Green's functions in the mathematical theory of the conduction of heat"
Jackson, Frank Hilton: "On a generalization of Bessel's equation", {The paper in the Proceedings is an extended version of this paper, and was read in March 1903}

Financial report:
113 annual subscriptions had been received of a total of 150.
Capital Account: £15/19/4
Cash Account: £27/7/0 1/2
Total: £43/6/4 1/2

President: Third, John Alexander
Vice-President: Tweedie, Charles
Honorary Secretary: McIntosh, Donald Cameron
Honorary Treasurer: Archibald, James

Editors of Proceedings:
Lindsay, William A
Thomson, William L

Goodwillie, James
Turner, John
Burgess, Alexander George
Macdonald, J A

It is not specified anywhere if this is John Angus Macdonald or James Alexander Macdonald. John Angus Macdonald is a member of the committee for session 22.

Dr John Sturgeon Mackay reported that he had made considerable progress with the index which the Society had requested at their last meeting. They discussed how to finance this publication, and they agreed to issue the index on a separate volume.

The secretary intimated that Mr Turner, the headmaster of the Institution, was willing to allow the society the continued use of the Edinburgh Institution Rooms.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1902-03