Meeting of 11 December 1903

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Thomson, William L

Jackson, Frank Hilton: "On some algebraic identities", [Title]
Jackson, Frank Hilton: "On a form of Maclaurin's theorem", [Title]
Davis, Robert Frederick: "On the quadrilateral circuminscribed to two circles"

Anderson, John
Donald, A Graham
Gentle, William
Ogilvie, A S
Philip, George
Scrimgeour, W
Steele, Amy Trevor
Story, Louisa

Since last meeting a special meeting of the committee and of certain ex-presidents had been held in connection with a proposal to obtain the use of the Royal Institution Building wholly and exclusively for Scottish Scientific Societies, and that application was to be made on behalf of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.

There was no mentioning of elections at this meeting, but all the proposed members from previous meeting appear in the memberlist for session 22.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1903-04