Meeting of 11 November 1904

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Tweedie, Charles

Collignon, Édouard: "Recherches sur l'enveloppe des pédales des divers point d'une circonférence par rapport á un triangle inscrit"
Muir, Thomas: "The condensation of continuants"

Financial report:
138 annual subscriptions had been received.
Capital account: £21/4/3
Cash account: £14/0/6 1/2
Total: £35/4/9 1/2

President: Thomson, William L
Vice-president: McIntosh, Donald Cameron
Honorary secretary: Pinkerton, Peter
Honorary treasurer: Archibald, James

Editors of proceedings:
Lindsay, William Anderson
Turner, John

Tweedie, Charles
Burgess, Alexander George
Picken, D K
Milne, Archibald

Dr John Sturgeon Mackay was thanked for "his great service to the society in preparing an index-volume of its Proceedings". Donations to cover the cost of the volume were received, to the amount of £25/5/0. This included a donation of £10 from Mr John Alison.

It was agreed that the Committee should take steps to gather together in some convenient place, the volumes forming the library of the society.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1904-05