Meeting of 10 November 1905

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Thomson, William L

Sommerville, Duncan M Y: "On the number of independent conditions involved in the vanishing of a rectangular array"
Jackson, Frank Hilton: "Certain series of basic Bessel co-efficients", [Title]
McBride, James A: "A trigonometric dial: a teaching appliance", [Title]

McNair, D S

Financial report:
172 annual subscriptions had been received.
Capital account: £22/14/5
Cash account: £19/2/9 1/2
Total: £41/17/2 1/2

The cost of publishing the index-volume had been almost completely covered by donations from members, with the exception of 17/6.

President: McIntosh, Donald Cameron
Vice-President: Archibald, James
Honorary Secretary: Pinkerton, Peter
Honorary Treasurer: Turner, John

Editors of Proceedings:
Lindsay, Willam Anderson
Picken, D K

Thomson, William L
Burgess, Alexander George
Milne, Archibald
Wedderburn, Joseph Henry Maclagen
Russel, Alexander Durie

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1905-06