Meeting of 13 November 1908

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Lindsay, William Anderson

Finlayson, W: "A certain relation between coaxial circles and conics"
Greenhill, A G: "The revolving chain"

Financial report:
182 annual subscriptions and 2 life subscriptions had been received.
Capital account: £73/8/6
Cash account: £31/18/5
Total: £105/6/11

President: Pinkerton, Peter
Vice-President: Wedderburn, Joseph Henry Maclagen
Honorary Secretary: Burgess, Alexander George
Honorary Treasurer: Turner, John

Editor of Proceedings:
Miller, John

Lindsay, William Anderson
Russell, Alexander Durie
Comrie, Peter
McBride, James A

Library Committee:
Wedderburn, Joseph Henry Maclagen
Philip, George
Kennedy-Fraser, David

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1908-09