Meeting of 12 November 1909

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Pinkerton, Peter

Muirhead, Robert Franklin: "On Wilkinson's method of treating the nine-points circle, with generalizations"
Muirhead, Robert Franklin: "The anharmonic ratios of four points in a straight line"
Edwardes, F F: "On the stationary eccentricity of a system of four-tangent conics"

Financial report:
155 annual subscriptions and 1 life subscription had been received.
Capital account: £94/19/8
Cash account: £39/9/8
Total: £134/9/4

President: Muirhead, Robert Franklin
Vice-President: Turner, John
Honorary Secretary: Burgess, Alexander George
Honorary Treasurer: Russell, Alexander Durie

Editors of Proceedings:
Miller, John
McArthur, Neil

Editor of Mathematical Notes:
Pinkerton, Peter

Pinkerton, Peter
Comrie, Peter
McBride, James A
Sommerville, Duncan M Y

Library Committee:
Tweedie, Charles
Kennedy-Fraser, David
Philip, George

David Kennedy-Fraser read the librarians reports, which showed that great progress had been made in the cataloguing of the books and periodicals in the library. 28 periodicals, 11 books and 5 pamphlets had been received in the previous session.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1909-10