Meeting of 11 November 1910

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Turner, John

Thomson, John Graham: "The relation between the golden section of the radius and the quinquesection of the circle", [Title]
Pressland, Arthur John: "The recent reform of teaching of mathematics and science in Germany", [Title]

Financial report:
171 annual subscriptions and 1 life subscription had been received.
Capital account: £103/6/8
Cash account: £18/0/8
Total: £121/7/4

President: Turner, John
Vice-President: Sommerville, Duncan M Y
Honorary Secretary: Burgess, Alexander George
Honorary Treasurer: Russell, Alexander Durie

Editors of Proceedings:
Miller, John
McArthur, Neil

Muirhead, Robert Franklin
Comrie, Peter
McBride, James A
Leighton, Alexander

Library Committee:
Gibb, David
Kennedy-Fraser, David
Burgess, Alexander George

The librarians report showed that the cataloguing of the books in the library had been completed. 33 periodicals, and 16 books and pamphlets had been received during the previous session.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1910-11