Meeting of 10 November 1911

Location: Edinburgh Institution

Chair: Turner, John

Milne, William P: "The system of cubic curves circumscribing two triangles and apolar to them"
Milne, William P: "An easy geometric representation of the sextic covariant of a binary quartic"
Miller, Thomas Hugh: "On the numerical calculation of natural logarithms", [Title]

Financial report:
145 annual subscriptions and 1 life subscription had been received.
Capital account: £115/1/0
Cash account: £19/16/1
Total: £134/17/1

President: Sommerville, Duncan M Y
Vice-President: Burgess, Alexander George
Honorary Secretary: Comrie, Peter
Honorary Treasurer: Russell, Alexander Durie

Editors of Proceedings:
McArthur, Neil
Bell, Robert J T

Turner, John
Miller, John
McBride, James A
Leighton, Alexander

Library Committee:
Gibb, David
Kennedy-Fraser, David
Comrie, Peter

The librarian's report showed that 31 periodicals, and 12 books and pamphlets had been received. 58 periodicals had been bound during the session at a cost of £4/12/8.
The librarian, Mr David Gibb, asked the Committee to consider increasing the grant for binding the periodicals, so that this important work could continue.

The death of Professor George Chrystal was referred to by the President, and the following motion was ordered to be inserted in the minutes:

"The members of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society hereby record their deep sorrow for the death of Professor Chrystal. They remember with gratitude the great services he rendered as one of the founders of the society, and with profound admiration the brilliant gifts which he ungrudgingly devoted to the cause of science. They would join in the universal tribute of respect which is being paid to one whose unflagging zeal and consummate ability will remain a lasting memory."

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1911-12