Meeting of 8 May 1914

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Miller, John

Taylor, Frank Glanville: "The relation of Morley's theorem to the Hessian axis and circumcentre"
Marr, William L: "Morley's trisection theorem: an extension and its relation to the circles of Apollonius"
Picken, D K: "On Simson's line and related theory: an exercise in geometric generality", [Title]
Ince, Edward Lindsay: "On certain theorems on continued fractions equivalent to Riemann's and other transformations of the P-function"

The president referred to the death of Dr John Sturgeon Mackay and the following motion was to be inserted in the minutes and a copy sent to Dr Mackay's representatives:

"The members of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society hereby record their deep sorrow for the death of Dr John Mackay. They remember with gratitude the great services he rendered as one of the founders of the society and as its first president. They would join in the universal tribute of respect which is being paid to one whose unflagging zeal and consummate ability will remain a lasting memory".

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1913-14