Meeting of Friday 13 November 1914

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Miller, John

Watson, G N: "The convergence of the series in Mathieu's functions", {Communicated by Professor Whittaker}
Sommerville, Duncan M Y:" Taylor's cubics associated with a triangle in non-Euclidean geometry"
Ince, E Lindsay: "The elliptic cylinder functions of the second kind"

Crumlish, Jane

Financial report:
Total: £112/19/4
142 annual subscriptions, 2 part subscriptions and 2 life subscriptions had been received. (This is taken from the inserted Financial Statement.)

President: Whittaker, Edmund Taylor
Vice-President: McArthur, Neil
Honorary Secretary: Comrie, Peter
Honorary Treasurer: Russell, Alexander Durie

Editors of Proceedings:
Bell, Robert J T
Sommerville, Duncan M Y

Miller, John
Horsburgh, Ellice Martin
Philip, George
Stokes, George D C

Library Committee:
Gibb, David
Ince, Edward Lindsay
Comrie, Peter

The librarian's report showed that 34 periodicals and 15 books and pamphlets had been received.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1914-15