Meeting of Friday 12 November 1915

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Whittaker, Edmund Taylor

Strang, J A: "The solution of difference equations by continued fractions", {Communicated by Archibald Milne}
Steggall, John Edward Aloysius: "A suggested measure of relationship", [Title]
Steggall, John Edward Aloysius: "The solution of difference equations by continued fractions"
Crawford, George Eustace: "Notes on a triangle", [Title] {Communicated by T A Brown}
Press, Edward: "An easy geometrical proof of a theorem of Chasles", {Communicated by J Mackenzie}

Adams, E P
Barnum, Charlotte C
Corey, S A

Financial report:
Total: £97/16/6
190 annual subscriptions and two part subscriptions had been received. (This is taken from the inserted Financial Statement.)

President: Russell, Alexander Durie
Vice-President: McArthur, Neil
Honorary Secretary: Comrie, Peter
Honorary Treasurer: Horsburgh, E M

Editors of Proceedings:
Bell, Robert J T
Milne, Archibald

Editor of Mathematical Notes:
Stokes, George D C

Whittaker, Edmund Taylor
Philip, George
MacRobert, Thomas M
Ramsay, Peter

The librarian's report showed that 26 periodicals had been received in exchange for the society's Proceedings and 14 books and pamphlets had been presented to the society by their authors.

It was agreed to institute a life membership, for members in the United Kingdom, at a fee of £5/5/0. It was left for the committee to decide what reduction, if any, might be granted to those who had been members of the society for many years.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1915-16