Meeting of Friday 10 November 1916

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Russell, Alexander Durie

Whittaker, Edmund Taylor: "Some theorems on determinants", [Title]
Datta, Haripada: "On the theory of continued fractions; second paper"

Financial report:
Total balance: £55/15/7
102 annual subscriptions had been received. (This is taken from the inserted Financial Statement.)

President: Comrie, Peter
Vice-President: McArthur, Neil
Honorary Secretary: Ramsay, Peter
Honorary Treasurer: Horsburgh, Ellice Martin

Editors of Proceedings:
Bell, Robert J T
Milne, Archibald

Editor of Mathematical Notes:
Stokes, George D C

Russell, Alexander Durie
Philip, George
MacRobert, Thomas M
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor

The librarian's report showed that 28 periodicals had been received in exchange for the society's Proceedings and 4 books and pamphlets had been presented to the society by their authors.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1916-17