Meeting of Friday 9 November 1917

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Comrie, Peter

Milne, William P: "The apolar locus of two tetrads of points on a conic", {Communicated by Archibald Milne}
Brown, F G W: "The Brocard and Tucker circles of a cyclic quadrilateral", {Communicated by Eleanor Pairman}

Financial report:
Total: £105/7/8.
The printer's account for session 35 had not been received.

President: Comrie, Peter
Vice-President: McArthur, Neil
Honorary Secretary: Ramsay, Peter
Honorary Treasurer: Horsburgh, Ellice Martin

Editors of Proceedings:
Bell, Robert J T
Milne, Archibald

Editor of Mathematical Notes:
Stokes, George D C

Library Committee:
Gibb, David
Smeal, Glenny
Pairman, Eleanor

Whittaker, Edmund Taylor
Blades, Edward
Knott, Cargill Gilston
Thomson, William L

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1917-18