Meeting of Friday 8 November 1918

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Comrie, Peter

Steggall, John Edward Aloysius: "Notes on the homographic transformation of the cubic and biquadratic", [Title]

Financial report:
95 annual subscriptions had been received. (This was taken from the inserted financial statement)
Capital account: £87/5/11
Cash account: £21/9/9

President: Knott, Cargill Gilston
Vice-President: McArthur, Neil
Honorary Secretary: Ramsay, Peter
Honorary Treasurer: Horsburgh, Ellice Martin

Editors of Proceedings:
Bell, Robert J T
Milne, Archibald

Editor of Mathematical Notes:
Stokes, George D C

Library Committee:
Gibb, David
Smeal, Glenny
Ramsay, Peter

Comrie, Peter
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor
Blades, Edward
Thomson, William L

The librarian's report showed that most of the usual periodicals had been received at irregular intervals, but that the issue of others had been temporarily suspended.

Professor Whittaker referred to the death of Mr Walter Borland, and it was agreed to insert the following into the minutes and send it to Mrs Borland:
"The Edinburgh Mathematical Society desires to place on record its sense of the loss it has sustained through the death of Mr Walter Borland, F.F.A., A.I.A., one of the most conspicuous among the younger actuaries in Edinburgh. During the brief period he was connected with the Society he showed a keen interest in its work, and there was every expectation that he would prove a valuable member and would enrich its Proceedings with contributions of worth. He had already won a high reputation as a worker and investigator on actuarial mathematics: his untimely death has cut short a career of great promise. The members of the Society unite in expressing their deep sympathy with Mrs Borland in her sorrow."

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1918-19