Meeting of Friday 14 November 1919

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: McArthur, Neil

Whittaker, Edmund Taylor: "A new basis for graduation", [Title]
Richmond, H W: "A geometrical proof of Professor Morley's extension of Feuerbach's theorem", {Communicated by Peter Ramsay}

Press, Edward

Financial report:
140 annual and 4 life subscriptions had been received. (This is taken from the inserted financial statement)
Capital account: £79/13/7
Cash account: £1/2/9
This result was partly due to generous donations from Messrs. Lidstone and Lowe and Professors Whittaker, Gibson and Scott Lang to help the society through a difficult situation.

President: McArthur, Neil
Vice-President: Gibb, David
Honorary Secretary: Ramsay, Peter
Honorary Treasurer: Horsburgh, Ellice Martin

Editors of Proceedings:
Milne, Archibald
Stokes, George D C

Knott, Cargill Gilston
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor
Comrie, Peter
Valentine, George D
Smeal, Glenny
White, Margaret P

Library Committee:
Gibb, David
Smeal, Glenny
White, Margaret P

The librarian's report showed that the society was receiving most of the periodicals it was accustomed to receive. Many foreign societies had ceased the distribution of their publications during the war, but most of them had begun sending them again.
Some pamphlets had been presented by their authors.
The binding of these periodicals had been allowed to fall into arrears, and Mr Gibb suggested a special fund be established to continue this work. This was agreed to.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1919-20