Meeting of Friday 10 November 1922

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: MacRobert, Thomas M

Baker, Bevan B: "The vibrations of a particle about a position of equilibrium, Part 3, The significance of the divergence of the series solution", {Part 3 of 4 (Part 1: March, session 39, part 2: January session 40, part 4: this meeting)}
Baker, Bevan B: "The vibrations of a particle about a position of equilibrium, Part 4, The convergence of the trigonometric series of dynamics", {Part 4 of 4 (Part 1: March session 39, part 2: January session 40, Part 3: this meeting)}
Daniell, Alfred: "Note on the integral powers of multinomials", [Title]

Hardie, J A
Wolff, C E

Financial report:
Capital account: £44/17/1
Cash account: £127/2/7

Auditors of the treasurer's accounts: Robert T Dunbar and George Robinson

President: Ramsay, Peter
Vice-President: Milne, Archibald
Honorary Secretary: Baker, Bevan B
Honorary Treasurer: Horsburgh, Ellice Martin

Editors of Proceedings:
Milne, Archibald
Stokes, George D C

MacRobert, Thomas M
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor
Gibb, David
Dallas, Marta A
Fulton, James D
Pagan, Gertrude M
Arthur, William

Library Committee:
Gibb, David
Dallas, Marta A
Pagan, Gertrude M

The librarian's report showed that the usual periodicals had been received, together with some additional periodicals and pamphlets.

Professor Whittaker paid a tribute to the memory of the late Dr Cargill Gilston Knott and to the work he had done for the society. The following resolution was adopted:

"That this Society has learned with the deepest sorrow of the great loss sustained by the Scientific world throughout the death of Dr Cargill Gilston Knott, one of the original members of this Society and its first secretary; the members desire to place on the record their warm appreciation of his worth and work."

Professor Whittaker also referred to the death of the late Baillie William Finlayson, an old and valued member of the Society.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1922-23