Meeting of Saturday 14 June 1924

Location: United College, St Andrews

Chair: Milne, Archibald

Turnbull, Herbert Westren: "On the bearings of projective geometry on Weyl's relativity hypothesis", [Title]
Saddler, William: "Note on the geometry of two binary quadratics in the complex plane"
Saddler, William: "The geometrical interpretation of the complete system of two double binary (2, 1) forms", [Proceedings, session 43]
Williamson, J: "The irreducible covariants belonging to the concomitant system of three quadrics", [Proceedings, session 43]
Aitken, Alexander Craig: "Series formulae for the roots of equations", [Title]
Vaidyanathaswami, R: "The locus of lines meeting three regions", [Title]
Chappell, G E: "The properties of a new orthogonal function associated with the confluent hypergeometric function", [Proceedings, session 43]

Filshie, James H
Reilly, John

Thomas M MacRobert was elected a representative of the Society on the National Committee for Mathematics of the Royal Society of London, in succession to John Dougall, as from January 1st, 1925

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1923-24