Meeting of Friday 2 November 1923

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Ramsay, Peter

Gray, Marion C: "The equation of telegraphy"
Aitken, Alexander Craig: "An elementary proof of Girard's theorem", [Mathematical Notes no 22]
Aitken, Alexander Craig: "An infinite product of Euler", [Mathematical Notes no 22]

Ayyangar, A A Khrishnaswami
Grieve, A B

Financial report:
Capital account: £10/12/6
Cash account: £140/4/10

Auditors of the treasurer's accounts: Robert T Dunbar and George Robinson

President: Milne, Archibald
Vice-President: Stokes, George D C
Honorary Secretary: Baker, Bevan B
Honorary Treasurer: Horsburgh, Ellice Martin
Honorary Librarian: Gibb, David

Editors of Proceedings:
Milne, Archibald
MacRobert, Thomas M

Editor of Mathematical Notes:
Ramsay, Peter

Arthur, William
Dunbar, Robert T
Fulton, James D
Gray, Marion C
Lockhart, J B
Turnbull, Herbert Westren
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor

The librarian's report showed that the usual periodicals had been received, together with certain other periodicals and pamphlets.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1923-24