Meeting of Friday 5 June 1925

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Steggall, John Edward Aloysius

Aitken, Alexander Craig: "The mathematical theory of graduation", [Title]
Turnbull, Herbert Westren: "Notes on the configuration of lines and points on a quadric surface", [Title]
Saddler, William: "Note on a binary quartic", [Title]
Muirhead, Robert Franklin: "Note on topics of regions separated by boundaries", {Communicated by title}
Whittaker, J M: "The differentiation of an indefinite integral", {Communicated by title}
Ferrar, W L: "On the relation between inverse factorial series and binomial coefficient series", {Communicated by title}
Kaucky, T: "Note on the paper of Dr Bevan B Baker: An extension of Heaviside's operational method of solving differential equations", {Communicated by title}

Brown, Helen
Buchanan, J
Clements, H
Gwilt, R L
Steele, Catherine C
Stewart, Isabella K

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1924-25