Meeting of Friday 7 November 1924

Location: Edinburgh University

Chair: Milne, Archibald

Aitken, Alexander Craig: "A series for symmetric functions of roots of equations", [Title]
Ayyangar, A A Khrishnaswami: "On the sexi-sectional equation", [Title] {Communicated by Alexander Craig Aitken}
Tweedie, Charles: "Notes on James Gray", {Communicated by Archibald Milne}
Copson, Edward Thomas: "On self-adjoint partial differential equations of the second order", {Part 1 of 2 (Part 2: November, session 44)}

Financial report:
Cash account: £50/3/10

President: Steggall, John Edward Aloysius
Vice-President: Baker, Bevan B
Honorary Secretary: Copson, Edward Thomas
Honorary Treasurer: Horsburgh, Ellice Martin
Honorary Librarian: Gibb, David

Editors of Proceedings:
MacRobert, Thomas M
Turnbull, Herbert Westren

Editor of Mathematical Notes:
Ramsay, Peter

Arthur, William
Eastwood, George Samuel
Lockhart, J B
Milne, Archibald
Saddler, William
Stokes, George D C
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor

Auditors of the treasurer's accounts:
Robinson, George
Aitken, Alexander Craig

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1924-25